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Vertu með / Come along / Prisijunk ir tu!

Íþrótta- og Ólympíusamband Íslands og Ungmennafélag Íslands vilja vekja athygli á bæklingi sem gefinn hefur verið út á átta tungumálum um ávinning þess að stunda íþróttir með íþróttafélagi. Bæklingurinn er ætlaður foreldrum barna af erlendum uppruna, en rannsóknir hafa sýnt að þátttaka þessara barna er um helmingi minni en barna af heimilum þar sem töluð er íslenska. Bæklingana er bæði hægt að nálgast í rafrænu formi á heimasíðum samtakanna www.isi.is og www.umfi.is en einnig í prentuðu formi á skrifstofum þeirra.

Booklet for parents of children of foreign origins about benefits of playing sports with a sports club.

The Icelandic Sports and Olympic Association and the Icelandic Youth Association would like to draw attention to a brochure that has been published in eight languages ​​on the benefits of playing sports with a sports club. The booklet is intended for parents of children of foreign origin, but research has shown that the participation of these children is about half less than children from households where Icelandic is spoken. The brochures are available both in electronic form on the association's websites www.isi.is and www.umfi.is but also in printed form at their offices and on the list below.

Bæklingarnir eru til á eftirfarandi tungumálum / The brochures are available in the following languages:

Síðast breytt: 10. mars 2021
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